

Sir Victor.
Thanks for this small insight into the mind of the proposed Bill.
We had a heart to heart personal discussion on some dark areas hitherto not known by our Ndokwa brothers. And  now that your post has thrown some light, we can better appreciate why some of our Ndokwa/Ukwuani brothers are hesitant about blindly following the noble call for all to be on same page.
My little research findings indicate that our people hate to be rail-rolled into a blind commitment that is not clear on its long term purpose and far reaching consequences for their generations yet to be born.
The vexatious issues for them are as follows:
1. State CAPITAL of the  new (Anioma) State to be created. This point is key to Ndokwa people as it is a watershed for their transformation  and urgent development. Examples are Asaba and Abuja. Let it be done as the progenitors of Anioma State had earlier intended it to be located within the axis of Utagba- uno, Owa Alidimma, Euku-Agbor, Ejeme-Nsukwa.
2. When Sir Denis Osadebe and Co sought for Anioma State, was Asaba the agreed Capita)? NO.
3. Providence made Asaba to become. The result is the great city we’re all proud of today. Same with Asaba and Abuja, today.
 Nigeria changed her Capital from Lagos to Abuja. Nigeria now has 2 mega cities – Lagos  and Abuja. The bill is too presumptious to impose Asaba on our people, they argue
4. Ndokwa/Ukwuani would not want to perpetually remain the underdog minority of minorities to be dominated by Asaba Division that is now 6 LGAs, whose ultimate desire  they reckon,  as usual, will be to  continue as their overlords.
Aboh Division will never continue to underwrite their (Asaba Division) massive development. They currently have all the devopment infrastructure, and institutions  with Aboh Division still empty and impoverished
All the State owned tertiary Institutions, industries, amenities, power, highways, etc, are there already. Let another development spot spring up as Abuja
 And Asaba did, Ndokwa people strongly  posit and demand.
Aboh Division has all the Oil and Gas production for the development of the New Anioma State project, and particularly for their Asaba Division brothers.
Aboh Division is saying never again. Enough of the internal marginalisation, they insist.
 Aboh Division  says the minimum condition for a full support without rancor or war and our long term stability, is the inclusion of a new State  CAPITAL IN  THE TRIANGLE that joins the 3 Federal Construencies in the Axis of Utagba-uno, Ejeme, Ekuku-Agbor, Owa-Alidimma; and Ndokwa/Ukwuani to have the very first Execurive Governor of the new state clearly written in  an agreement with your goodselves.
These approximate the concerns of my Aboh Division people and fears as discussed with you yesterday. Let this be part of your strategic input for discussion, accordingly.
You may wish to bring it up in the Committee’s next meeting for deliberation, so none of us would be read as a traitor or betrayer, throwing spanners in our wheel of progress.
Our desire for Anioma State Creation is unstoppable. Wisdom demands an all inclusive roundtable to articulate these thoughts accordingly, to enable a  more robust and unified front.
Godwin .O . Ossai, a concerned Ndokwa son, Economic and Human Resource expert.

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