
Nigerians celebrated conjoined twin turns 71

By Fred Iwenjora 
Her birth on July 25 was celebrated as front page news worldwide in 1953.
So was her successful separation in a televised surgery beamed live to the world.
Despite that her twin sister Tonye who was conjoined at the chest with her did not survive, former Wariboko Davis grew to become Nurse Wariboko Oki a profession she chose apparently to give back to medicine, the profession that has kept her alive by God’s special grace.
Today at 71 with four children of her own and many grand children, both adopted and cared for, she continues to glorify God for sparing her life.
In the past 71 years, her life has been a permanent health monitor and ofcourse a miracle.
When I interviewed her on her 62 birthday for Saturday Vanguard, she was full of gratitude.
Now in a chat from her US base on her 71st birthday, Wariboko still reemphasised her unending gratitude to God for life being lived.
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