Youth Empowerment: Edo-Benin Consciousness holds zoom webinar series

The Edo-Benin Consciousness is set to hold a zoom webinar series for the youths geared towards empowerment.
The organization made up majorly of Binis and other tribes in Nigeria with Benin interest and passion, said in a statement today made available to the media states the three the action plan of the series.
They include Youth Empowerment (Edo Benin Youth -EDOYEP); Modern Skills Youths can acquire / highest-paying-courses-to-
According to the statement, “Since 2023, following the report of our think-tank team, primarily relating to skills deficit, the paucity of employment opportunities, the Japa syndrome, alarming increase of crimes involving youths and social dislocations, particularly within Edo-Benin, the Group decided on this action plan”.
“We have successfully assembled experts worldwide, who have volunteered to serve as resource speakers and facilitators,” said the statement.
It states that the Zoom Webinar Series will run every Sunday at 6pm Lagos/WAT from February 2 till Aprl 6, and interested participants can join the live and interactive sessions free every Sunday at 6 pm from February 6 using the link below:
Topic: MODERN SKILLS YOUTHS CAN ACQUIRE. Time: Feb 2, 2025 06:00 PM Africa/Lagos. Join Zoom Meeting
WhatsApp: +2348136337722 / 09073023333
Social media handles: Tiktok: edobeninconsciousness; Instagram: edobeninconsciousness; YouTube: Edo-BeninConsciousness; Snapchat:; Facebook: edobenin Facebook page: edobeninconsciousness and Twitter: edobenin_org